Constrict, expose: Niall White

Foundation Diploma (Specialism Applied Arts)- Final Major Project by Niall White, a designer, makeup artist and creative from London. @nialldanielwhite / Photography by Naissa Essart Nielsen @naissa.en

”I originally took inspiration from female explorers and Victorian
clothing with this project, but this changed quite a bit along the way
as it usually does with my projects. I wanted to contrast the elements
of Victorian clothing I was looking at (huge frills/pleats, heavy,
constricting, conservative clothing) with the opposite- 'windows' made
of PVC at the back of the dress, extremely low cut skirts and ribbons
running along the back of one of the dresses to reveal a slit of the
body. I wanted to be really playful with this final project and it's
important to me to always take risks in my art and explore new

The final photos for this project were also really fun to photograph.
Me and my friend went to a National Trust Site, Ashridge Estate. I
really wanted to take photos outside as photos in a studio can get
quite sterile for me personally. I had to climb across trees, stinging
nettles, run across fields in heels and these garments.

My work is also going to be shown at the UAL Origins Festival 2019
26-28 July at the Truman Brewery in Brick Lane.”